Friday, 29 October 2010

QMRO update

We've been working hard in the background of the repository, QMRO, to make improvements before launching the service to the public.  Most of these improvements have been concerned with mapping fields in PubLists to the right fields in DSpace so that a useful set of information about the item is displayed.  This has caused some problems and having applied a new set of configurations is still not quite right.

We're also moving to a new domain name for QMRO which will be the permanent URL for the service once it has been launched.  Unfortunately, work on this has been only partly successful and the site has been temporarily taken offline.  Please also be aware that QMRO downtime means that there will be no full text upload service via PubLists.  The rest of PubLists is working as normal.

We hope to have the repository back online by Monday 1st November, but watch this space.

There is still much to do with the repository, but we are making progress and hope to have a public launch date soon.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Importing publications into PubLists

With REF dry-run coming up, there have been lots of queries about using the file importer in PubLists to complete publications lists with items not collected automatically.  This should be simple and easy, once you have the right information.

  • The importer is under the 'my elements' tab 
  • Export the file from your reference software in RIS or BibTex format
  • Duplicates should be identified by the importer
  • Check your publications list afterwards to make sure everything has been imported correctly

Imported references show up as manual publications in PubLists and are therefore automatically approved.  They will, however, be flagged as 'unverified' until a member of the PubLists team has checked them for accuracy and completeness.

There is a guide under the help link in PubLists which shows you how to import and export in PubLists, for more information or further help email